Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Packing time!

There is a lot of stuff on my list that I need to pack for the Philippines. I am not just bringing clothing and toiletries (though they are necessary), but also spiritual resources (including worship songsheets, transparencies, cd's, teaching messages, handouts, and books), not to mention my "weapons of warfare," my music gear (acoustic guitar, acoustic and electric violins, effects processor, microphone, and cables). Other tech items includes my laptop, USB mini-speakers, digital camera, cell phone, and battery charger. Whew! What a list!
The challenging part is to seek to fit everything in one large suitcase and one carry-on backpack (my violin is another carry-on, and my guitar I'm checking in), and make sure everything is not overweight! I know I would have a hard time lugging the suitcase around if it is too heavy.
So this gives you a good idea of what I'm packing. Fortunately I'm going to a warm-climate region so I can pack mostly t-shirts, and not sweaters, hoods, or jackets, which takes up more room, so that will help me in providing more space for the resources. Pray for me as I pack. =)

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