Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great time last night at IHOP NW!

Last night my friend Scott and I went down to International House of Prayer Northwest (IHOP NW) in Tacoma and I was invited to play my electric violin with their worship team.  We got there for the rehearsal at 6 pm, and I met the folks there for the first time.  At 7 pm we launched into an intercession set, led by Gary Wiens, the director of IHOP NW.  For 2.5 hours straight we were ushered into the presence of God.  There were moments of intense prayer with anointed prophetic singing, and segments of deep worship.  The whole worship team flowed with the direction of the Holy Spirit.  It was a blessing for me to be a part of it, and I got to met some great new friends as well.

I thank God for what He is doing and starting in Tacoma.  I believe that this HOP will have a major impact on the region (it already has).  And I am looking forward to going back down there again in the coming months.  Let God lead.
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