Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sat LIFE Siege Pictures

Here are three photos I took from the LIFE silent prayer siege in front of Planned Parenthood (in Lynnwood, WA) last Saturday. We met first at Mountlake Terrace Christian Life Center to watch a dvd by Will Ford on the roots of abortion, and prayed together, before going out to the site to stand and intercede. We had a larger turnout than last month, praise God! It was my friends George and Meghan's first time doing a LIFE siege, and both were greatly impacted by the Lord during it. In the top picture you can see my friends David, Beau, and Jeremy, and in the bottom photo the closest person to the camera is Matt, my good friend and leader of IHOPWA. We were also blessed to have two people from the Kansas City IHOP (International House of Prayer), Leah and Ashley, come and join us in prayer. Leah is David's sister.
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