Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lakeland fire ignites Kent, WA!

Here is the webflyer for tonight's event in Kent, WA.

Saturday night June 7th at 7:00pm. Free to the public.
Doors open at 6:00 pm

Healing Revival Fires have broken out in Lakeland, Florida and the winds of change are causing this fire to be released throughout the world. Thousands upon thousands are gathering to get healing and an impartation from these meetings. Multitudes are getting healed! The lame are walking, the deaf are hearing, the blind are seeing and even the dead are being raised. Several of our team has flown to Lakeland to receive this impartation and have brought back the fire here to Kent, WA. We have been experiencing a greater anointing of God presence and unusual manifestations of His glory. We have actually had the Glory cloud descend upon us with a misty rain inside the building! We believe that as we gather together in worship and adoration of the King of Kings, there will be a greater release of His presence with signs, wonders, and healings. Come join us. Bring the sick, the lost, and those hungry for a fresh impartation of fire!

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